Hai cercato: Breath

I Want To Breathe Sweet Air / 2022

I Want To Breathe Sweet Air

A film poem in three parts with acclaimed writer Lucy English. A stunning and terribly beautiful visual indictment of careless land development and the impact of climate change on the natural environment, incorporating footage shot specifically for this project as well as footage from the vast library accumulated by Outlier Moving Pictures during six years of documenting environmental destruction.

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Breathe In / 2012

Breathe In

Nine-year-old Grace is forced to deal with death for the first time when her best friend, Deirdre, dies of an asthma attack.

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Skin Can Breathe / 2022

Skin Can Breathe

While living in America, a Cambodian teenager finds home inside the water of his high school pool.

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I Live Here and Breathe There / 2023

I Live Here and Breathe There

A full-length documentary of 80 mins duration, shot intermittently over 12 years, observational in style and experimental in form, explores life on two residential streets in London and Baghdad.

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Mouth Breather / 2014

Mouth Breather

A man is spreading his fathers ashes in the Rocky Mountains when he is confronted by a sleepless and paranoid gunman.

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Breathe In Breathe Out / 2015

Breathe In Breathe Out

A young woman finds herself caught between this world and the next.

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air: an opera for breath / 2017

air: an opera for breath

This wordless opera is animated and performed by the rising and falling of loaves of bread dough. Inspired by Baroque opera staging, Victorian monodrama, and contemporary design, it explores the corporeal body through the air that passes through it. Funded by a generous grant from Idea Capital.

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Marie Breathnach
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New Breath of Love

icona serie tvNew Breath of Love

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RBT: Random Breath Testing

icona serie tvRBT: Random Breath Testing

A reality show on real alcohol and drug testing performed on Australian roads by the Police's RBT Squad.

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Deep Breath / 2001

Deep Breath

David is a troubled city boy, being looked after by his uncle on a farm. He is initiated into the drunken partying of the village and stumbles off drunk to find his friend Matthieu and cell-playing girlfriend in the forest. There he finds a brutal and horrifying outlet that will change his life forever...

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Nargis: When Time Stopped Breathing / 2010

Nargis: When Time Stopped Breathing

In May 2008, Cyclone Nargis hit Myanmar's Ayeyarwaddy Delta, claiming 140,000 lives. Despite a filming ban, young Burmese filmmakers clandestinely visited devastated villages after the storm, capturing surreal scenes of loss and resilience. Their emotional footage reveals the profound impact of Nargis, depicting a world where life and death intertwine, altering countless lives forever. For security reasons, the filmmakers couldn't reveal their names and they used pseudonyms. But for the first time, they screened the film with their real names at the 2nd Wathann Film Festival in 2012.

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Breath of the Gods / 2012

Breath of the Gods

A Journey to the Origins of Modern Yoga. Yoga is known to go back to God Shiva, who perfected 8,4 million postures, according to Indian tradition. Far less known is the fact that yoga is at the same time an early 20th century-creation of Indian savant T. Krishnamacharya, which is what this film is about. Krishnamacharya's life and teachings are seen through the eyes of the director on his search for authentic yoga. His journey leads him from students and relatives of Krishnamacharya's such as the legendary teachers Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois to the source of modern yoga: the palace of the Maharaja of Mysore, where Krishnamacharya founded the first ever yoga school. A feature-length documentary including rare historical footage as well as lavish reenactments.

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Zombie Breath / 2024

Zombie Breath

A group of friends gets together to celebrate 4/20, but the party takes a turn for the absolute worst when someone shows up with a bite.

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Cold Breath / 2023

Cold Breath

Seung-yeon and Yeon-su breaks up before their 100 days anniversary. Yeon-su asks Seung-yeon to go to see her mother.

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I'm Still Breathing / 2009

I'm Still Breathing

A Thai band, Modern Dog, was invited to Nabua for the making of a music video for one of their songs, I’m Still Breathing. The teens are together in the village street and start to run, some of them kicking the smoking balls and throwing them into the moving crowd. The video is a celebration of exaltation and the release of tension, echoing Thailand’s political atmosphere.

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Al primo soffio di vento / 20036.39 voti

Al primo soffio di vento

Antonio osserva gli immigrati che lavorano alla raccolta del grano nella sua proprietà. Li osserva con lo sguardo clinico dell'entomologo che studia una colonia di insetti. Anche nella sua famiglia, le relazioni sono asettiche, pressochè assenti; la moglie e la zia sono rapite da pensieri d'amore e la figlia si aggira per i boschi come una ninfa.

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Remember to Breathe / 2022

Remember to Breathe

One day, Hiroko accidentally starts a small fire while she is cooking. Although it does not lead to a serious incident, it does result in her going to stay with her eldest daughter, Yuko, for whom Hiroko has never been the mother she wanted.

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While I’m Still Breathing / 2020

While I’m Still Breathing

The blurred portrayal of a young woman as she moves through three steps of her sexuality.

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Breather / 2011


A touching ode to Leonardo de la Cruz, the filmmaker's late father, who died earlier this year of lung cancer at the age of 65, the film is a personal meditation of sorts. It is at once dark, yet not unrelieved by poetry on the mysteries of life, existence and mortality.

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